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Monday's Life in HIM

So after cheering on the Packers last night I started thinking about how I was cheering and reflecting to make sure that I WORSHIP JESUS with that same enthusiasm and heart!  Overall I think I give my heart to God when I worship but I do think there are times when I sit back and never fully enter in to worship.  

So what is worship to me??  
Worship is an intimate experience with my daddy!
 For me it is a great way to communicate with Him! Of course praising him and giving him the Glory he deserves but also surrendering everything else that could be taking my attention off of him. Its a time to focus everything i have on him, to praise him, to listen to him, to see him, to receive comfort, to pray, to reflect on what he is, what he has done. Its a time where he reveals things to me, gets my heart in check or listen to his voice on direction. Yes worship is a way of life too, I truly enjoy singing and humming around the house praising him while doing my other tasks for the day! :)

Romans 12:1- "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifieces, holy and pleasing to God." 

Psalm 145:3 "Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.

JOHN 4:23
23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

Many more scriptures to go along with worshiping!  Whats your favorite one.  Have you thought about how you worship lately or is there something else in your life that is taking precedent over worshiping GOD?  


Name said…
Wouldn't it be something if people cheered at church like they do in their living rooms on super bowl sunday!?
saraH said…
your newest follower from the blog hop! what a great blog you have and thanks for your spiritual insights!
Unknown said…
Thanks for the follow, following back :) Hope you had a great day!
Amee said…
Hi, I look forward to seeing you at Have a super week. :)
Unknown said…
following you from Give it to me Monday. Swing through and check out my site sometime,
Ashley R said…
Hi! Found you on Makin' Me Crazy Monday! I'm following you and would love for you check out my blog and follow me back! :)

Be sure to check out my current giveaways and huge list of more to come!


Hi! Thanks for the blog award!! I'm going to link back up to you soon! I've enjoyed reading your blog!!
oh I couldn't tell you how many times I've had these thoughts. We went to nascar races for several years before having a family I went with my mom and dad and I use to sit and stare at all the {hooop-la} people were doing for these people who drive cars and I'd think if only they got that excited about the one that created them we'd be a changed people!
{tara} from Undeserving Grace
Thanks for all the thoughts! It would be awesome to see people worship with their full heart!!!

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