1. Sunday was the first day of spring. So they say. Ahem
What is your favorite outdoor springtime activity?
I love getting outside and walking to the parks!
2. Who would you want to come into your kitchen to cook dinner for you?
Well, it would be neat to have Rachael Rae, but my hubby is a great cook to so he treats us often!
3. When was the last time you flew a kite?
um... I dont know the exact date but it has been a long time. I think a few years ago I did it with my nephews.
4. What topic puts you to sleep faster than anything?
Most conversations on politics.
5. What flowers do you associate with specific people, places, or events?
Well, pink roses remind me of my mommy. I miss her!
6. What significant historical events took place during your elementary school years?
I was a senior in HS when 9/11 happened. I remember being in my weight lifting class and we had the radio so we knew before anyone else knew. It was heart breaking.
I also remember Hurricane Andrew!
7. Do you swear? Do you pseudo-swear? (you know- crap, shoot, friggin' ?)
No swear words, but I will say crap and shoot.

I live outside NYC now...its still so sad to walk by the site.
Glad you joined in the Hodgepodge today...didn't mean to be Debby Downer there in my comment!