One Crafty Momma inspired me to make my own puffy paint. It was super easy and it provided HOURS of entertainment for my daughter. We are in a heat wave so I wanted some activities we could do indoors today. My daughter painted with the puffy paint for a couple hours before lunch and about another hour after naps. :) WOW!!!
So this is what you need:
Food Coloring
Muffin tin
I had all of the above already so that was awesome! :)
In a muffin tin fill each muffin spot half way with flour. Then add 2tsp of water and mix well. (it should be thicker.) Then add your food coloring making all the different colors you want to use. This is a great way to teach color mixing. I had fun showing my daughter what happens when you add red and yellow, red and blue...etc etc. She was very excited as we stirred the colors and watched the changes occur.
After the colors are mixed start painting. When you finish a picture put the picture in the microwave for 30 seconds, or until dry. The paint will puff up in the microwave. :) The more you use the easier you will see results of puffiness. :)
My daughter loves arts n crafts but I always try to keep things educational. One thing I have been working on is the letters in her name. So I found some free printable's on line and printed a picture for each letter in her name. Before she could paint the picture she first traced the letter with her finger. I then made it clear she needed to pick only one color for the letter so we could see the letter. :)
Mommy even got in on the action and I printed pictures for Titus and I enjoyed coloring them for him. :) I will always be a kid at heart! :)
Q-tips worked great for painting but later I did let her use her fingers. :)
S- is for snake, E- is for elephant, L- is for ladder, A-is for Ant, H-is for house...whats that spell??
T- is for Tiger, I-is for Iguana, T-is for turtle, U-is for unicorn, S-is for Seal. Whats that Spell?
And a special message to daddy...
Happily following you from It's Playtime! I would love it if you would stop by my blog and say hi, and maybe consider following me! :)
THanks so much for sharing on the Sunday Showcase - hope to see you this week!
I featured this on this week's Sunday Showcase! Drop by & grab your featured button if you like & link up some more fab ideas this week!
Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life