It is so sad that it is almost near that 1st birthday time. Titus is growing so quickly and he is such a big blessing to our family. :) He is a fast crawler and has even morphed into a bear crawl sometimes which has created many giggles in the family. He still has the 2 bottom teeth but I think he is working on some for the top. We are still breast feeding but have introduced a little bit of whole milk too. He loves it! We are still having issues with sleeping, he seems to wake up too often at night and mommy is exhausted but praying it through and I know this to shall pass! It is only a short season when our babies are babies.
Enjoy the photos, he is quick so it is very difficult to get a good picture. Our 11 month sign is made out of a paper plate and is suppose to be a hat. I will share another post later and share more of these hats! :)