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Showing posts from July, 2012

Kiara the Brave DVD Review

About Kiara the Brave :  Dreamzone has been a peaceful and magical kingdom under the rule of King Maximus.  That's about to change when he is captured and imprisoned by his evil brother Dreadmis.  When Dreadmis unleashes his vengeance upon the kingdom, the King's daughter, courageous Princess Kiara must conquer evil and restore harmony in Dreamzone.  Together with her best friend Super kloud, they embark on a magical journey to protect their Kingdom and bring the rightful owner back to the throne. My Review:  I am going to be honest here.  I had to turn this movie off, it had a lot of frightening scenes and it was full of magic and spells and was not the type of movie I want my kids to watch.  Maybe when my kids are a little bit older and we can sit down and talk about it more and relate different things from the movie to our faith but at age 4 and under I decided to turn it off.  On a good note the scenes are bright and eye catching...

Plunger Olympic Ring Craft

Yes, you read that right!  PLUNGER!!!  We have a baby plunger that we found at the dollar store that is not used for toilets...just wanted to clarify that!  The plunger makes great circles so we made the Olympic rings with it.   Before doing the project I wanted to discuss the history of the Olympic Rings.  So we sat down on the computer and I shower her some google images of the rings.  We pointed out each color and that every national flag in the world includes at least one of the five colors.  I also got a map of the world so I could point out each region because the five rings represent the five major regions of the world: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.   You can make this more detailed for older kids or keep it simple with color recognition.   In order to make the rings my daughter had to find the colors from the picture.  We did not have black paint so we used glue and black glitter.  Then my daughter woul...

Eating my Cucumbers

It was a really fun week to watch our little baby cucumber turn into a big one. There are a couple more baby cucumbers on the vine and I hope more will come! I picked this one yesterday and between my hubby, daughter, and I it was gone in a few minutes. It was yummy and juicy! I absolutely enjoy having my little garden and am making bigger plans for next years garden. :) My daughter is having fun helping water the garden and she loves peeking at the growth each day. Hopefully, there will be plenty of delicious home-grown food to go with frozen Asian food that we buy regularly. How is your garden?  

Baseball Date Night

DATE NIGHT FUN We had a fantastic time heading to our local baseball game this evening.  The humidity left and a breeze came and it was a perfect weather night.  We were kid free and sadly I saw a little boy with a ball cap on and I immediately missed my lil guy.  (We are only gone for a short time but I love my kiddos.)  It does not matter where we are or how long we are away if I see little kids I all of a sudden miss mine.  Ok, lets get past the kids since this is about me and my man.   I have to finish this post before the hubby returns from bringing the babysitter home.  :)  One thing I always enjoy doing at least once in the summer is watch a local baseball game.  We have a fun park and they do a great job of entertaining during each inning.   Today was a bobble head evening so we got a Romney and Obama bobble head.  Now just imagine the fun that the hubby and I are going to have with them.  We have some video ideas...

Co Host on Tiptoe Tuesday Blog Hop

Welcome to Tiptoe Tuesday Blog Hop!! This is a fun hop to break up your week just a bit. Bloggers can list a current giveaway that is running on your site this week. Then come back later and find more giveaways to enter for yourself!! Please only put one giveaway per blog and make sure to put the ending date in your title, if possible. Also please link to the actual giveaway and not just your home page. Have fun and I hope you all win something :) Take a minute to say hello to Maria of Close to Home   You can find her on Twitter, Facebook , Pinterest and  Google + . You can find Insights by April on Facebook ,  Twitter ,  Google+ ,  Email , LinkedIn  and  Pinterest We have a fabulous cohost this week joining us. April of Praises of a Wife and Mommy .    Praises of a Wife and Mommy was created for mom's like me. I like to share secrets, parenting advice, deals, the many arts and crafts that we do at our at home preschool, and most im...

Funsical Review and Giveaway

What is Funsical?  "This is FUNSICAL a progressive sequence of Movement, Music and Language development activities to keep children consistently Moving and Improving! This program is GUARANTEED to improve children's physical, mental and emotional strength and conditioning, as well as language comprehension, concentration, behavior and speaking skills. Through our Funsical School training programs, audio recordings, coordination kits and curriculum materials children will learn the progressive steps that will give them opportunity to practice the developmental activities that build the skills necessary for achieving optimum proficiency and potential success in athletics, music, drama, dance, sports, speech, and academics. Funsical offers children a simple, comprehensive sequence of activities for building strength, balance, endurance, character, confidence and coordination while learning to identify, comprehend and speak the basic terminology of the English language. It uti...

Glow Stick Ideas for Kids

Next time you are at the Dollar Store stock up on Glow Sticks!  There is an endless amount of fun that you can have with them.  Here are a few ideas for you to get started.  Click on each link to see my post and more information on each of them.  :)     Glow Sticks in the Bath    Glow Stick Valentines Card    Orbeez beads and Glow Stick Sensory Fun    Glow Sticks in Balloons    Glow Stick Noodle Bowling

Blog hop

    1.  what state you are in     2.  your current teaching position     3.  your teaching experience     4.  when you started blogging     5.  share a blogging tip / blogging resource My Answers: 1. Wisconsin 2. Currently I am certified CDS/ Special Education but currently doing preschool with my kids and love staying home with them during this stage.   3. I tought 2 years then had my daughter then subbed 2 years and then had my son.   4. January 2011 5. I use for all EASY!

Excellent Rummage Sale Finds

I found a garage sale up the street from me and they were selling toys only.  A 10 year old little girl decided to sell her toys and ask her friends to help donate their toys so they could raise money for Lung Cancer Foundation because she lost her 1st grade teacher to the disease.  HOW GREAT!!!   The prices were low so I let them keep my change because I could have gotten all of this for $8 but I spent $10 instead because of the cause.  I got 6 toy cars which all area a little different but 3 are from the movie Cars, dress shoes for my daughter, fun beads, a neat hopscotch/twister outside game, and some lacing tiles.  Both my kids were happy and excited!   I have determined that I would have never have purchased all of that but since it was for CANCER and you all know I want to KICK CANCER IN THE FACE I bought a few more things for my kiddos.  :)  My sister has reached 90% of her goal in her Light the Night to fight Leukemia.  Go r...

Blogger Opportunity

Tutu Momma’s Ultimate Girl Prize Package Giveaway Free Blogger Opp The lovely Tutu Momma has paired up with Kara’s Deals and Steals for this awesome giveaway and has provided a girly little prize package full of goodies to give away to one lucky winner. The prize package includes: Petti Skirt-$22 value Tutu-$15 value Necklace-$10 value 4 boutique bows- $20 value 8 shabby rosette character clips (skulls(2), Barbie, Raggedy Anne, Strawberry Shortcake, Lala Loopsy, Smurfette, and Cinderella's carriage ) - $32 value These items fit 18 months-4T and she can go up to a 5 or 6 in the pettiskirt or tutu. The giveaway will run from August 14-August 28. It is open to the U.S. only. Kara’s Deals and Steals is offering one free link to bloggers in this giveaway and another free link if you post an announcement! You must have 1000+ Facebook fans to be eligible for this opp. Sign up here .

The Lollipop Label Review and Giveaway

Who wants to win a package of dishwasher safe labels and laundry care tag labels?  Parents, I know you would love to have these labels before school starts!  Before you enter the giveaway read my fun review then enter the giveaway with the easy rafflecopter form at the bottom.   The Lollipop Label store can be found on Etsy with a wide selection of fun labels ranging from monthly onesies iron on's, monthly pregnancy iron on's, luggage tags, removable waterproof labels, and so much more!  Thank-you to The Lollipop Label for sending me the dishwasher safe and laundry care labels to conduct my review and to a winner of this giveaway!!  All opinions are 100% mine.   These unique labels are great for baby bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers, toys, back to school supplies, clothes,and what ever else you can think of!  Make sure you label the items you send to daycare, school, church, camps, sleepovers, and play dates.   So how does this process work? ...

Thankful Thursday

Time to Praise HIM!   Here are a few things I am praising and thanking HIM for this week. 1. Harvest- We had some yummy peas and the cucumbers are growing.  This year is my first garden so I am happy to have anything!  :)  2. The many new followers I have on this blog-the awesome Alexa Review that was left for me! All the positive feed back I have received!   3. Ice Cream- it has been a hot summer and ice cream makes my heart happy.  :)  4. Having my hubby home, he was gone at camp last week so it is always nice to have him back home! :) 5. Playing Cribbage with one of the older ladies from church!  She is a walking/breathing MIRACLE!  Loved hearing her testimonies!  :) Can't wait to do it again!  :) 6. Product Reviews- God sure has opened many doors to work with some really awesome companies!   7. My Hubby- He guides this family so well!  I love him!  I cherish watching him with our 2 kids- ...

Parenting: When to say "YES" and when to say "No" and why!

I have noticed more and more that it can be so easy to try to please people.   I like to help people by lessening their stress so I will say "yes" to helping what ever task it might be.  In the last couple years I have started to use "no" more often!  There is a great balance in the yes/no battle.   I also have noticed in me that I like to please my kids which when I look at it more closely could become a dangerous thing.  As a parent I of course want my children to have fun and love me.  I have been blessed with 2 great children and the tempers I see from them really are not bad at all compared to other children I have witnessed.  I work with children and have for years so I have seen several different cases where I wonder if a parent is afraid of seeing the bad behavior again so instead of saying "NO" they give in.  Many parents are gaining instant happy children but can that harm them?  If always giving in and not staying consistent bec...

Splendid Play REVIEW with Discount Deal!! :)

Splendid Play  is a fun company that was created by a mother of 2 fun and inspiring girls.  This mom is busy having fun with her two daughters that often times the play helps create new ideas that she creates and sells in her Etsy Store.    Her girls test each product so you can be sure each thing is kid tested and approved!  A few items that you can find in her shop include: reversible crowns with fun characters such as Brave, My Little Pony, Bat Man, Pirates, Stripes, monkeys, and many more, Monster animals that are very adorable, key chains, monster tail, very cool "Eye Spy" busy bags, and many other items that I imagine your children will love.   Thank you Splendid Play for supplying me with a Brave/My Little Pony crown to review.  Also thank-you Splendid Play for supplying a discount code and FREE shipping to Praises of a Wife and Mommy readers!  :) All opinions are 100% mine.   Shipping was very quick and the packaging was ...

Chalk Color Game Sidewalk Chalk #6

The Color Game Thanks again to Pintrest where I found this idea from Toddler Approved .  We love fun ideas for outside and chalk!   My daughter never has played "Simon" so I called our game the Color game.  We played it similar to  "Simon" but my daughter is only 4 so trying to get long sequences was not the goal.  I also used 8 different colors so my goal was to sequence the 8 colors.  I would call out a color and she would jump on it then back in the middle.  Next I would say the same color and add one more and she would jump from one color to another and then back to the middle where I would add another color.  We would do that similar to "Simon" but we did not repeat a color so we would use all 8 colors  once.  She did a fantastic job of remembering where to go and each new color when it was added.   :)  This game was played several times for at least 45 minutes!  :) Yay!  My 16 month old a...

Wordless Wednesday

This girl was spoiled when her grandpa from New York came to visit!  :)  Look at that face she was so excited to go buy this doll with her Papa!  :)  Thanks Papa!!  :)  She has been playing with it every day since she got it!  :) 

Winner of Candyland!!!

She kinda rubbed it in my face but I still love her!  It is so fun to see her joy from a simple board game.  It does make me sad to think of the many kids that are neglected and never have a parent to play a game with.  I wonder if God is working on my heart to be a foster parent.  

Happy 16 month's Lil Man

I say it every time but time sure keeps flying by!  My biggest realization this month is I no longer have a baby but instead a toddler.  ): Sad and excited all in one emotion.  I love seeing his curiosity but with curiosity comes some dangers.  His favorite activity is climbing anything and everything so that keeps me on my toes.  I have found him on top of the coffee table, kids table, and kitchen table!  I have even found him on the small window ledge!   One other character trait that has been coming out is some temper tantrums.  When he knows what he wants he will throw a temper tantrum and with limited words it makes it difficult to know what he is crying for.   My favorite thing from him are his hugs and kisses and they are the best in the world!  Dear 16 month old Lil Man, I love you so much!  Please stop growing so fast!  Mommy is so thankful she gets to spend every day with you and sister!  You have added so m...

Flip Along Fun: Mix Up to Match Up...The Right Answer! Review and Giveaway

I remember being in Junior High and reading chapter books that would allow you to pick and choose your ending.  It would say turn to page xx for this, or page xx for that.  It was very amusing to me as a teen.  Anyone else remember those?  Do they still have them?? Take that similar concept but adapt it to children and you get "FLIP ALONG FUN"!  Flip Along Fun is very engaging for little kids.  You get to flip the pages finding the right matches.  Their is reading, rhyming, matching, sequencing, colors, and math all involved in this fun book.  Watch this video to see how it works: COOL!!  RIGHT?!? So what did my son and daughter think?  First my daughter and I sat down and I showed her how it works and she caught on right away.  She would match up the pictures and ask me to read it.  Then we discussed the math involved and the rhyming words on each page.  I think she loved the bear character the most!  I am not s...

Garden Newbie Update

Our little harvest... We have a harvest!  :)  WOOT WOOT!  I was happy a few weeks ago when I saw some growth but then I never saw the veggies growing and I was getting worried that nothing was going to grow.   No worries we had some delicious peas that  made it and there are 3 baby cucumbers growing!  I am so thrilled that we have some veggies!  I do not see tomatoes yet but the plant is getting taller and it looks healthy.  I believe the carrots are unsuccessful since I see nothing growing.  Note to self that those are too hard to grow!   :) We are still waiting to see if we will grow a pumpkin or just the really long vines.   It was truly enjoyable to sit on the deck munching on the yummy peas with my family!  Fun! Next year I will plant earlier and find what grows best here.  I am thinking spinach, peas, cucumbers, peppers,and tomatoes.  Any advice for this garden newbie? James 5:7   ESV  ...

Perplexus: The Rookie *Review and Giveaway

Who likes a good puzzle or brain teaser?   Thank you Perplexus for sending me "The Rookie" to conduct my review and the winner of the giveaway.  All opinions are 100% mine. The designer of the Perplexus came up with the design back in the 1970's!!  It took many years before it finally found The KID Group where it was licensed and finally set for production.   There are 3 models which include "The Original," "The Rookie," and "The Epic."   The mailman came and dropped off this surprise earlier this week.  :) As soon as I took "The Rookie" out of the shipping box my daughter saw the bright colors and I think she was drooling with anticipation of playing. Since she was all ready for bed I the nice mom that I am let her have 5 minutes to play before tucking her in.   At first she just had fun looking at it and watching the ball fall all over the place.  After I let her investigate for a little bit I took "The Rookie" an...

Boasting and being Proud

As a parent I find it extremely easy to brag on my kids.  I am willing to bet that many of you can agree with me.  I remember my daughter sitting on her potty for the first time and doing both business's right away!  :)   BRAGGING RIGHTS?  I thought so!  :)  If you read my blog consistently then you have seen the many projects we do from crafts, cooking, to science, and more.  I remember my son taking his first steps and I had the video camera out because I wanted the whole world to see it.  Now I had to search my own heart and determine if that was me being excited and happy for them or if it was me being boastful and proud.   Galations 5:26 states, "Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another."   The verse really got me thinking on both ends of the spectrrum.  Have I while talking to other moms made them envy of me or my kids?  Did I sound conceited?  I know I have been ver...

Car Scare!

This week my husband and I switched vehicles.  He was heading to camp so he needed the van for transportation and I got the car.  I used to drive the car so I thought no big deal!  That is until... I was driving down the freeway and my daughter had started to open her door!  I turned my head and yelled "Selah NO!"  I slammed on my breaks, thankfully no one was near me.  I was only a few feet from an exit and was able to take the exit and pull over and turn the child safety door locks on.   As you can imagine my heart was pounding!  I am so thankful this ended with my daughter still in her seat and me locking the door so she has no way of opening it again.  PARENTS please take the time and turn your child safety locks on!  It is on the inside of the door and very simple to make it lock or unlock.  It would have been so easy for her to open the door completely and fallen out of her booster seat.  :(  She was protected t...

Balloon Ball with Pool Noodle

Here is a fun activity we did inside when it was finally raining!  :)  YAY for the rain we needed it!!!   My tip for this is to cut your pool noodle into a smaller one.  I did not do this but wish I would have.  We were in the basement so there was not much for the pool noodles to hit and fall so it was OK but the kids would have had more control if the noodles were smaller.  :)  The object is to get the balloons back in the clothes basket by hitting them and keeping the balloon in the air till you score a basket.  :)  So go blow up some balloons and go have some fun!  

Cancer on the Brain by Jay Lefevers Review

I don't know what it is but if someone offers me a book about cancer I have to read it.  Now I really hope I don't sound gross when I said I had to read it.  I just relate to people because of my mother's story.  Let's get honest everyone knows someone close to them who has, had, or passed away from CANCER!  Thanks to the Greenleaf Book Group who gave me copy of the book "Cancer on the Brain" to conduct my review.   When I read the title I was reminded of my High School friend who is winning is battle with Leukemia.  He wrote an online journal and a book which I have read.  He always made statements about how "cancer is always on your mind."  So I was unsure if this story would relate to dealing with the emotional toll of Cancer or if this man's battle was cancer on the brain.  I know most people would pick cancer is on the brain.   Indeed Jay did have a cancerous tumor on his brain! On top of battling all that comes with cancer Ja...