I See Me is a company that will personalize children's books. I absolutely love this idea since each child is unique having a book catered to them is fantastic. A few book titles that you can personalize include:
My Very Own Name Storybook
My Very Own Fairy Take Storybook
My Very Own Pirate Tale Storybook
God Loves You!
Who Loves Me?
ABC What I Can Be
My very Happy Birthday Book for girls
My Very Happy Birthday book for boys
My Royal Birthday
The Super, Incredible Big Sister
The Super, Incredible Big Brother
My Very Own Name Coloring and Activity Book
My Very Own Fairy Tale Coloring and Activity Book
My Very Own Christmas Coloring and Activity Book
A Christmas Bear for Me
A Hanukkah Bear for Me
My Very Merry Christmas Board Book
I know I would love to have several of these stories for my children. My children already love books but having it personalized would make want to hear and read it every day.
We had the "Who Loves Me" story and I loved reading it to my children. It was a good reminder to them that they have so many people who love them. The ordering was very simple I sent an email with the peoples names I wanted included. I also was able to have a private message written for my kids. The book arrived and the kids love the pictures and having all of our family names written in the book because we all love my kiddos so much! :) The book was shipped very quickly and the quality of the book is fantastic.
The site also has a perfect Valentines Day gift for you little ones- a personalized placemat. Go check it out!
Who Loves Me? for Twins
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