That is something most of us have asked at some point. You don’t need to experience this alone. Reading Living Church of God reviews and other resources across faiths and denominations, you can always find somewhere to fit in and worship together.
Now my immediate response is, "those are all lies from the enemy wanting you to feel those things." Which I do believe is true but when I sit and think about James 4:8 it now unravels so many more questions to ask those people and to encourage those people. Or even remind myself!!
Are you truly drawing near to God? When was your last devotional time? What was the last book of the Bible you were reading? When did you have some quiet time and soak and really listen for God's calling and direction? Are you praying? How is your worship? Is there some sort of sin holding you back making you feel guilty?
God's word is TRUTH so Draw near to HIM and he will draw near to you! Simple as that! Sounds simple, but in reality we live in a busy busy world with distraction after distraction! (Even as I am writing this my phone is beeping and telling me I have a new email and it was so easy for me to lose my focus)
Here are some simple steps to make sure you are drawing near to HIM!
1. Set a time and KEEP it for Bible reading, prayer, and soaking.
2. Worship- humble your heart and fully enter in to his presence in what ever form that may look like! Worshiping with a pure and child like heart will prepare you for transformations!
3. Get a hold of that HOLY SPIRIT- some are so scared of this awesome and powerful gift. I know many people who have been afraid of it because it makes you vulnerable- vulnerable because God is going to use you in a mighty way! Allowing God to use us with his power is amazing, not scary!
4. Fellowship- Make sure you are attending a church and get involved there! Check for small groups and find a small group that you can be honest and humble with. Don't be shy but build each other up.
So today I pray for each of you reading this! I pray you would honestly ask these questions and search your heart. I pray God would reveal His heart to you and your heart would fall deeper in love with HIM. I pray transformations and restorations to start in your lives! AMEN!