My mom passed away when I was 18 years old. To this day when I look through some of her notes in her Bible I get a mix of emotions. I love seeing her hand writing, I love hearing her heart and her prayers, but sometimes it makes for a roller coaster of emotions. I will admit it has been a long time since I have looked through those notes but after I saw an idea to create a journal to go back and forth between my daughter and myself I jumped on the idea and started right away.
My daughter may only be 5 and can't write but she can draw and make sounds and before I know it she will be sounding words out.
The idea for me is to be a constant reminder that I love her, that JESUS loves her, to share my heart and prayers with her so she can go back and reread when ever she has a bad day.
If I had something like this even after 10 years of my mom's passing it would be amazing!! :)
I also think that creating a journal at such a young age with her right now will help keep the communication door open. There might be hard topics she is not comfortable talking about but having a safe journal will be awesome. :)
I already love the one picture she has created for me and I know she will continue to share what ever might be on her little heart.
I encourage you to start a journal with your son or daughter. Once my lil man is older I plan on making another with him. :)