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The Christian Parenting Handbook Review and Giveaway-(5 winners)

Last week I told you that I would be sharing my review on the book "The Christian Parenting Handbook."  Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller wrote an amazing story that every parent should read.  The book outlines 50 different strategies that are easy for parents to try and use each day.  I ultimately love the ideas and stories that are shared with in the book.  It was really helpful for me to understand what heart issue my children might be facing when there is disobedience.  After reading "Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, in You and Your Kids" the "Christian Parenting Handbook"  was the next book to follow up with and take honor to the next level with looking at heart issues in myself and with my children.  Using a lot of the strategies are also so important for keeping parenting on a Biblical foundation.  

I also told you to get excited about all the freebies you can get by getting your book Launch week.  Launch week is fast approaching to get ready April 29th-May 5th. 

Who is ready for an awesome giveaway?   There are 5 prizes, so there will be 5 winners!  All of the items will be a great addition to any family! 

Here is what's up for grabs:

The Honor Multi-Media Package  
($59.95 value)

Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, in You and Your Kids Lesson 1 Complete Package: Includes Lesson 1 on Video, as an MP3, includes Study Guide pages, and the Kids Honor Club Children’s Program.  Honor is a biblical concept that changes the way people think and the way they treat others. Honor is a relationship term and teaching honor in the family equips children with the relational tools they'll need for the rest of their lives. This package gives you instructions for both parents and children so that honor can transform the culture in your home.  I read this book and I love it be sure to read my review.  

Set of 5 Parenting Shifts ebooks  ($49.95 value)

The Parenting Shifts Series gives specific parenting advice for that particular age group. A team of experts, working together with Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN, have collaborated to bring you the best in a heart-based approach to parenting at any age. Wherever you are in your parenting journey these books will help you move forward with confidence and effectiveness.
Set includes:
    • The Baby Adventure (Birth to 12 Months)
    • Toddlers on the Move (Ages 12-36 Months)
    • Preschool Explorers (Ages 3-5)
    • Elementary Foundations (Ages 5-8)
    • Cultivating Responsibility (Ages 9-12)  

Biblical Parenting University Online Parenting Course  
($99.95 value)

This online class will give you the practical tools to develop more responsibility and cooperation in your home.  Parents often comment that giving instructions to their children is the greatest source of conflict in family life.  Nagging and angry episodes on the part of parents and kids result when children don't cooperate.  In this class you'll learn how to adjust your own action point to teach your kids when you mean business.  You'll also learn a five step instruction routine that teaches children the skills they'll need to follow instructions for the rest of their lives.  This class is excellent for teachers as well as parents.  You'll learn how to use rules in your family to teach convictions and values.  If you're looking for a place to start, this is a great class that will help you change significant dynamics in your family using positive strategies.  

Access to this class allows you to come and go at your convenience.  It's resident on the Internet so you can view segments whenever you're online.  The 4-hour class is broken into 4 lessons, each with 10-12 five-minute segments.  View one segment at a time, or any number of them as you have time.

Disciplemaking at Home ebook
($16.99 value)

Parents have a job to do - pass the faith on to their kids.  This book will show you how.  Parents are the primary spiritual and moral trainers of their children and much of the everyday work of family life is the classroom where children learn.


The Christian Parenting Companion Guide (includes print copy of The Christian Parenting Handbook)
($49.95 value)

The Companion Guide is a workbook of 50 lessons along with 50 audio tips to take you through The Christian Parenting Handbook step by step.  Each lesson contains advice from Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller in a 5 minute audio tip and then offers teaching, an assignment, a Bible verse, and a prayer to help you apply each idea or strategy in your family.  

There will be 5 winners for this giveaway!  Please enter using the easy rafflecopter form below.  These resources will change your parenting for the best!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received a free advanced copy of the book to conduct and honest review as part of the Launch team. 


Laura said…
The Christian Parenting Companion Guide

Laurasu82 at
Unknown said…
the Honor package
Unknown said…
Great review April. The heart-based approach to parenting developed in this book has been revolutionary in my life. It’s helped me as a father, husband, leader, supervisor, coach, and in other areas. Behavior modification is effective if your only desire is to get your children to act a certain way. If you want to shape their character, you need to work on the level of the heart. My sons are both adults now and they are fine young men of good character. We consistently focused on the character quality of honoring others in our family! We returned home from vacation in December to find our whole house cleaned and a Christmas tree in place in the corner of the living room. Now that’s honor! This is just one example of the great insights from this special book. Every parent should have this book on their bookshelf or on their Kindle!
Tina said…
Biblical Parenting University Online Parenting Course would be my first choice!
Unknown said…
The Christian Parenting Companion Guide
Unknown said…
Honor Multimedia Package
Emi said…
The Honor Multimedia Pack
kewkew said…
The Honor Multimedia Package would be most beneficial.
jaklew said…
Great review! Honor Multimedia package
I would want a copy of the Christian Parenting Handbook and Guide. I have the Honor book and love it. It has really changed the way I parent!
deborah said…
The Christian Parenting Companion Guidebook!
Vicki F said…
The Christian Parenting Handbook!

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