Dear Daddy,
We are so thankful for all you do! We love you!!
You all know I recently moved to a different state but what you dont know is that for about 10 days straight my husband fixed up the parsonage for our arrival. We are talking about ripping out all the carpet and even replacing dry wall, painting every room, and a whole lot of cleaning. He worked the hardest he has ever worked all for our family. Not only can daddy fix anything but he can make anything too. I sure am blessed to be married to my best friend, the father of my children. He is the best dad for them and it is always precious to watch the interactions they have.
This morning we gave daddy his presents but my daughter also wrote her own song for her daddy and proudly used the "Elmo" microphone and sang her little heart out. She gets that talent from her daddy! I was teary eyed as I listened to her love and affection she had for her daddy.
Happy Father's Day!!! LOVE and Hugs