Synopsis: The Pirates Next Door, written by Denette Jenkins Fretz and illustrated by Gene Barretta, tells the tale of five brazen pirates who swap high seas adventures for life on a farm.
Description: “No one ever imagined that five swashbuckling pirates would settle in our proper little southern community. But they did.” When pirates move in next door, life on the farm is bound to get interesting. But will the unadventurous Sanders family be able to handle the pirates’ bad manners, ghastly grub, and outrageous antics? Or will they learn the importance of loving one’s neighbor and help the graceless pirates find their “land legs”?
My Review:
I am not sure but I think I liked this story more then my kids. Might be because I know how hard it can be to try to love the unlovable. I think the author did a fantastic job showing the importance of love and forgiveness but I also loved seeing the Pirates change. It is a great story that can lead to many fun and Christ filled conversations. :)