Synopsis: In Daniel and the Hungry Lions young readers hear the story of a man who loved God so much he prayed to him even when he knew it could be dangerous! This Bible story favorite uses art from The Beginnerās Bible, the bestselling storybook Bible of all time.
Description: Daniel and the Hungry Lions is a retelling of the favorite Old Testament Bible story about a faithful man named Daniel and his refusal to stop praying. Using art from the bestselling The Beginnerās Bible, this story is available in the popular and affordable 8x8 softcover format.
Daniel loves God and prays to him every day. But some jealous men have a plan to get him in trouble---they talk the king into making a law that will mean if they catch Daniel praying to anyone but the king, he must be put in the lionsā den! Does this new law stop Daniel? NO!
My Review: My two kids love the story of Daniel and this version was just as fun as the one in their other Bibles. I like the more detailed pictures you get from this book as opposed to reading this story in a children's Bible. Daniel is a good role model for kids these days to keep a strong faith in a world that is growing darker. I pray that Daniel will be in my children's mind when they face persecution! I pray they would be bold like Daniel and keep praising their GOD! AMEN This book was released May 7th of this year and is only $3.99 on so hurry and pick up your copy and get teaching your kids to be bold and brave like Daniel!