Okay parents lets get down to the nitty gritty about prom! I do not have children in the teenage years yet, but one day I will and prom is one of those topics that goes along with modesty, sex, drinking, cost/expenses, and well honor when you ask them to be wise in their decision making. Are you prepared to walk down that conversation with them? Where do you stand on mini dresses VS. floor length prom dresses debate? Short dresses have been a current trend over the last 3-4 years so can you find a short dress and it still be modest? I pray God will prepare your heart and give you wisdom to discuss these issues and morals with your kids/teens and find a way to come to an agreement that will be pleasing in the sight of God

Will you cave in and allow your daughter to pick a dress that reveals to much because she feel's pretty? The world has been telling our kids for years to show more skin and selling sex on every commercial, store, movie, book, radio, etc etc. If you take some time and build up her self esteem, self worth, and help her understand why modesty is so important while encouraging her with compliments of beauty you will be able to speak not only life affirming words but also setting some good morals and standards in the area of modesty and sex!!
Beyond the biggest concerns of modesty and sex during prom I understand that parents are looking for cheap prom dresses that their daughters will love and be modest. Don't get in a rush to buy the dress, take your time and search for the good deal and the modest dress!
So I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic! What did you wear to prom? Did you make wise decisions? Any advice on talking with teen on these topics?