Easter Book Giveaway!
Get ready to enter the giveaway to win a copy of "The Legend of the Easter Egg" "Keep the Faith" and "101 Bible Stores from Creation to Revelation." These books would be perfect for any child's Easter Basket.
This newly illustrated edition of The Legend of the Easter Egg renews the wonder and charm of the original timeless tale that explores the meaning behind Easter eggs and the Easter story itself. Written by Lori Walburg with vibrant artwork from Marley and Me illustrator, Richard Cowdrey, this holiday classic comes to life for a new generation. One April morning when the air was soft and sweet, a boy and his sister went outside to gather eggs. “Easter’s coming,” the sister said. “Let’s pretend we’re hunting Easter eggs.” “What are Easter eggs?” the boy asked. When Thomas’s older sister Lucy falls ill, Thomas goes to live with the Sonnemans in their candy shop. He gets to eat peppermint sticks, fill candy jars, and weigh chocolate on the tippy scales, but he misses Lucy. When Easter comes, Mrs. Sonneman gives Thomas his first chocolate egg and Thomas learns the true meaning behind Easter eggs, the empty tomb, and the hope found in Jesus. This classic story of faith, love, and wonder is sure to be a treasured reminder of the miracle of Easter.
My Review:
This book is awesome! Since we reviewed "The Legend of the Candy Cane" by the same author this book was the next one using the same characters from the other book. Read my review of that story HERE. Just like the Christmas book the pictures in this story are fantastic. The story starts off a little slow before it gets to the Easter message but once it gets to the Easter Eggs and message of Christ it is an emotional but loving book. I will be sharing this story with my Children's church kids!

Creation to Revelation: 101 Bible Stories is a collection of well-known and beloved Bible stories written for young independent readers and includes delightful illustrations.101 Bible Stories from Creation to Revelation brings together 101 of the most well-known and beloved Bible stories. Written for young independent readers and with colorful artwork, this storybook Bible is sure to become a favorite. Each story is one page in length and features a picture depicting the main character or event of the story. Both story and artwork can also provide perfect springboards for further family or child and parent discussion of the rest of the story and its impact on our faith. I have previously written a review on this title and you can read that HERE.
Enter below using the easy rafflecopter form to enter to win all 3 of these books.
And seeing the kiddos happy.