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Happy New Year 2015


It has taken me a few days to write this post... so far 2015 has been a sick one for myself.   I was at the doctors getting checked for strep which was negative but I swear it was the worst sore throat I have ever experienced.   The doctor did notice the inflammation in my neck and throat so he did give me a steroid.   The steroid though makes people more susceptible to infections which caused an eye infection.  

I am better now but it sure was the longest week ever!   

I will admit I did not stay up till midnight to bring the new year in, I again watched the ball drop at 11 pm my time then went to bed.   I kissed my daughter as my new years kiss which I do believe made my hubby a little jealous.  ;)

January 1st started us on our journey in the Daniel Plan which is different than the Daniel Fast... confused us at first so right now we are doing a fast for a couple days.   The Daniel plan had us cut out dairy, gluten, sugar, and all nasty processed stuff but we have removed meat so pretty much just eating fruit and veggies for a few days.  I sure do miss eating cheese and chocolate.  

Back to the New year...   I had the opportunity to co-preach the first Sunday of the new year!   We discussed setting some goals and focused on looking at a few role models in the Bible.   I also took some time this first week of school and talked about goals and resolutions with my students and my Sunday School kids!   I know many people never set any goals but I still think taking the time to reflect and set goals is important.   Even more important when you take the time with Jesus to really dig in and seek Him for guidance and direction. 

So have you taken some time to refocus on what is important?  

My word for the year is organization and intentional.   I want to obviously get more organized at home and school but I also want to be more intentional with my time.   Learn to balance it better and get rid of the stuff that takes time away that is not important.

Another area of focus is food-  I want to constantly remind myself to be aware of what I am putting in my body.  

Here is 2015-  It's going to be a great year!    


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