As my four year old gets ready to head to preschool these sets have come in handy to review many skills such as colors, numbers, following directions, and imagination fun.
My son seemed to enjoy mixing the colored animals to be a part of the farm scene. I always like to encourage my kids to play with their toys they way they want to rather then be overbearing and only let them play with one set at a time... yes it does require more clean up but it helps them learn organization when they help with that clean up.
I also found that using folders to hold all sets works great. The pieces all fit on the scenery sheet so once that is folded and in a folder it is easy to transport and not lose pieces.
These magnetic sets are aged 3+ and retails for $7.47! A great price for a quality product! I highly enjoyed the magnets compared with the felt products that Betty Luken's sells. Magnets don't get bent and creased like the felt products. I recommend getting more then one set to mix and match and watch your children's imagination run wild with this fun.
Another great place to play with these sets is right on the fridge. It is always fun to see kids playing near you when you are busy cooking, cleaning but please be careful if they are in their playing. :)
This activity can be one that is brought along when you know your child will be waiting for a long time. It is not a noise maker toy so as long as your child keeps their volume level down this toy can go where ever you need it to go to help keep your child busy... doctor's office, long car rides, appointments, church, etc etc. Be sure to check out all the Betty Lukens magnetic sets.
Please use the easy Rafflecopter form below to enter to win your own magnetic set! One lucky winner will win their choice of one magnetic set from Betty Lukens.
Thank You for the chance
Fiona N