Happy Birthday Selah!!!!
As you turned 8 this year my heart jumped a few beats... you are half way to getting your license, only a few years before we enter the tweens stage, and I'm sure only a couple more years before you ask if you can have a boyfriend... cause you will ask and we will discuss this!

I was extremely happy purchasing some molds from Amazon to make Lego people and bricks. I used them for cupcakes and a little snack to eat during the movie.

It was a great time- kids behaved very well... all 35 of them! YES, we do have a little bit of crazy in us! :) Seriously though they behaved so well and we had some friends who were amazing helpers. Selah was busy filling out thank you cards for hours! :)
Dear Selah,
I will never forget this amazing fun birthday of yours! You truly were spoiled on this birthday but you deserve it! You are a great daughter and sister to your brother! I see you working hard at school and being a good big sister. I see you being a role model at church and school. IT MAKES ME SO PROUD! I admire your heart and your love that you give so freely!
I am praying that this next year is filled with more unexpected joy and blessings. I pray you and I would continue to grow closer together and your relationship with your Jesus would be an unquenchable desire that makes you lean in closer to Him and His word. I pray I would help you find your gifts and talents and you would be excited to use all of them to further God's kingdom! I love how at age 8 your identity rests in the hands of your Daddy God. Keep it there and you will do many big things- you are a world changer with a big calling on your life.
Love you so much,