My Review:
I am in love with this new gift edition of the Jesus Storybook Bible. Blue is my favorite color so this cloth covered hard covered Bible is perfect. This kids version is one of my favorites because no matter what story you read it always references back to Jesus, old and new testament always point to Jesus our Savior! It is also a Bible that covers more than the average children's Bible... There are many stories that made me reflect on the content.
I just noticed that Zondervan also has a curriculum guide for this storybook bible! They have one for the New and Old Testament! I have already used this Bible for children's church so I am thinking the material they have prepared to go along with the stories would be perfect for any Sunday School setting.
If you need a Bible to read with your child then consider this one! It has so many stories that it will last you a long time and your child as well as you will be learning more and more about Jesus and how everything points to Him!
GIVEAWAY TIME!!! Please enter to win this bible by using the easy rafflecopter form below! ENJOY and I wish you all could win a copy!
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com