There comes a time in parenthood when you face the prospect of your kids going to college. Naturally, you want to take an interest in what they do and make sure they study something that will benefit them as well as something they’ll enjoy.
If your kids don’t know what they want to do in college, then it’s up to you to help them out and provide a few ideas that they can mull over. This way, they can worry less and try to find something they may enjoy. So, I’ve come up with three great subjects your kids could study at college.
Marketing is such a good subject for your kids to study. If your child is feeling indecisive, then tell them how great it can be for them to major in marketing. Courses are of the standard length, and the job opportunities are endless. These days, marketing is bigger than ever and every company - big or small - is looking for marketing help. They can find jobs with companies working in their marketing department or for marketing agencies. In fact, if they’re feeling particularly adventurous they could go at it alone and be a freelance marketer or start their own agency! If your child has expressed a love for social media and being creative, then this could be the right subject for them.
Another fantastic subject they could study is psychology. The reason being there are so many things they can do after getting a degree in this subject. There’s the obvious path of becoming a psychiatrist, but then there are so many different avenues they can go down. They could specialize in child psychology after they graduate or get a job with a sports team as a sports psychologist. Their opportunities are wide open, it’s a very good degree to have under their belt. If they’re wondering how to become a psychologist, and think their path is long and tricky, then tell them it’s a lot easier than they might think. All you need is a standard 3-year degree, it’s not like a lot of medical degrees where they have to study for five years. This is a good subject if your kids are observant and often find it interesting watching people’s behavior. Of course, if they already study it in school then that makes things even better.
The third subject on this list is accounting. I know, it may sound boring, and I doubt your kids will be keen to hear you out when you first mention it. However, maybe when you start talking about the career prospects and financial benefits they’ll soon perk up. Accountants get paid a very very good wage, and they’re always in high demand too. It’s like marketing in the sense that businesses need accountants. However, individuals also need accountants, which enhances the demand for this job in today’s society. If your kids have always been good at maths, then this is definitely a great career choice for them. Once again, there’s nothing special they need to do to graduate, it’s a straightforward course, and they just have to sit through three years of college.
If your kid has a passion and knows what they want to do, then you should stand back and let them follow their dreams. But, if they're unsure and need help, these are some great subjects with brilliant career prospects that they might enjoy.