Today I have already met with a prayer partner and had an awesome time praying and feeling the victory! Then as I sat down to do my devo time with God he had me praying more. So this scripture is from one of Pauls prayers. The scripture just popped out at me. One it made me pray for all the kids from kids camp last week, two it had me praying again for my church, and 3 it had me praying for myself and my family.
I will be sharing this devo with my church family tonight. I use the S.O.A.P method, s- scripture, o- observation, a-application, p-prayer.
Here is my brief SOAP on this scripture!
S- Ephesians 3:17- Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust him your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong.
O- Paul is speaking here and praying for spiritual growth.
A- Not only am I praying for myself but my heart is praying for the kids at camp- that what they learned last week and what they experienced would give them a drive and hunger and thirst for more of Christ. That they would be still and know their God more each day. God that you would help drown the distractions of the world and stay connected to each of them and they connected with you. I am praying that each moment at camp is one more root- deep down in God's love- that our kids would be strong, and bold, and obedient to what the Father asks of them.
Not only that for the kids at camp but for our Riverside church family. I want us to know when Christ is the root in our hearts- we experience his love and He keeps us strong! No trial will get us down because we walk in Victory with HIM!
P- Jesus, thank you for this scripture which guided more prayers! Thank you for this example of prayer. Help me continue to pray more and more for our kids, our church, my family, and anyone else you place on my heart. Lord let us rely on your strength and your love. GROW our roots deep, deep, deep in your love! In your name Jesus! AMEN