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Book Description:
The CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible invites every woman to find her story within the greatest story ever told—God’s story of redemption.
As you study God’s Word, 122 women from the (in)courage community come alongside you with 312 devotions, sharing stories of how God’s story has changed their lives. Because of His grace, they have found beauty in the brokenness and hope in the hard. With each devotion, they sing the praise of the One who has authored their story.

My Review:
I haven't read from the CSB translation before. I didn't have any issues with a change in translation most things seemed just as I remembered them.
My favorite features in this Bible are the 312 devotionals throughout the Bible! They are written by several different people and I think they are very encouraging to any woman with any level of faith.
I also really enjoy how much space to write is included on every page! This Bible is one that is going to be able to be written in for some time and fill those pages with Godly whispers!
Then there is also the stories scattered throughout about 50 different women! I love studying the women of the Bible! It can really be eye-opening when you understand the social norms of the time and get some wisdom and understanding!
Make sure you enter to win this Bible! It's a great one!