Happy Birthday Jesus 2018!
I apologize for my long silence on my blog! Christmas time gets busy and you know the drill! So here I am to catch ya up!
We had our usual Happy Birthday Cake at church the Sunday before Christmas! As well as watching the kids perform a couple songs and a short skit. They did great!
Christmas Eve service was fun as I always enjoy singing songs in the candlelight. I was in the sound booth but still enjoyed my candle!
I love how our church looks at Christmas time and every year we take a picture by the trees! I could just sit and relax in there with the glow of the lights. After we did our family Christmas here in Iowa we headed to Minnesota and Wisconsin to see family. One tip... driving on Christmas is hard as nothing is open so eating gas station food is not the best idea! Should have packed sandwiches and snacks! It was a quick trip and made us realize we needed to have more time in the summer to enjoy family!
Hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating the best time of year and the best gift ever, JESUS!