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Showing posts from October, 2020


  YAHWEH!!!   Cry it out Yahweh!   This shirt is only $17.99 and yes my amazing hubby designed it!   I love that he has been creating shirt designs and came make a few dollars here and there!    What do you think?  Would you order it for this price?   It does come in other colors as well but this green caught my attention!  Get yours HERE!   

Are you God-Fident?

  I LOVE THIS SHIRT!!!   Mine hasn't arrived yet but I will take a picture and post once I get it!   There are several color choices as well as kid, women, and men sizes!   $14.99 on Amazon makes this a great price for an amazing shirt!    Go get yours HERE!

Awesome Shirt- "Fear can go to HELL"

  I am excited to get this shirt in the mail!   My amazing hubby has been designing some new shirts and now they are available on Amazon!   Yay!   I will start to share all of them in different posts!    So who likes this one?   Would you wear it?   Order yours HERE!    You can get men or womens sizing!   There are a few color choices too!   Put this shirt on and remember there is nothing in your day you can face because fear can go to hell!  The enemy is a liar and trying to prevent you from your purpose but you can keep your identity in TRUTH and JESUS!   

Things to Consider Before Buying a Two-Wheeler

  Whether you have always been a car driver, or you are looking to purchase a vehicle for the first time, there are a few things that you need to know before purchasing a two-wheeler. To help you make a more informed decision about this tricky decision, below are some pointers to give you some food for thought before you go out and buy a two-wheeler.  Scooter or Motorbike  Your first choice is to decide between a scooter or a motorbike. Scooters are a good option for beginners as they are easy to handle and drive. They are also less powerful and therefore less intimidating for newbies. A wide range of options are available on sites like . You will also find them to be on the cheaper end of the scale, both in terms of the initial purchase price and the running costs. On the other hand, with a motorbike, these are more powerful and better over longer distances. However, they do take some training to be able to ride properly. Check Out the Different Brands...

7th Grade State Cross Country

  I am so proud of my daughter!   It was her first season of Cross Country and with Covid they only had 3 practices a week and then my daughter missed some because of allergies and missed some more because of a death in the family.   So you better believe this mom was super proud that she was still able to race at Jr. High state meet. She took 11th place for 7th grade girls!   She ran 2 miles in 13:10.  Her goal was 14:50 so she SMASHED THAT!    One of my favorite things as a mom is to watch my children doing the things they love!  

Looking at College Enrollment and How to Increase It

  Higher education has never been more important, with many people looking to enhance their skills and achieve more in life. With so many options available, including part-time programs and online courses, there are many ways for students to return to school in a way that fits with their lifestyle and career dreams. For college administrators, how can you get students enrolling at your campus, rather than a different one? Letā€™s look at whatā€™s attractive to students. Collaborate with a Marketing Professional If youā€™re busy enough without taking on the schoolā€™s marketing aspects, consider hiring a marketing professional to boost student recruitment. Choose a forward-thinking team like to improve freshman enrollment rates through a range of innovative methods, including video campaigns. Higher ed marketing isnā€™t something you can master overnight, so why leave enrollment levels to chance or risk tarnishing the schoolā€™s reputation by sending the wrong mess...

The Importance of a Good Kitchen

  No home is complete without a kitchen. It is the place where meals are prepared, food is stored, drinks are poured, where bakery is done, and where memories are made. In fact, thereā€™s good arguments to be had that a kitchen is the most important part of a house, for many reasons.  Itā€™s this importance that makes it vital that you have a good, functional kitchen that works well for you and your needs, as it can influence and dictate so much of your life. Not convinced? Here are a few reasons why the kitchen is the most important room in your house and why you should strive to have a good one.  A Kitchen Dictates Your Lifestyle  The manner in which you use your kitchen makes a huge statement about how you live your life. For starters, the stuff in your fridge and pantry dictates the type of diet you have, but a clean or dirty kitchen also demonstrates some of your values as a person and may be suggestive of whether youā€™re a proactive or lazy person. Think about it: t...

How to Make Much-Deserved Time for You

When you are part of a family, itā€™s easy to become swept up in weekend trips, doctorā€™s appointments, and the school project your child only told you about the night before. After a long week, finding some time to yourself is extremely important and much-deserved, so here are some tips on making sure you take time to yourself.  Join an Exercise Class A great way to escape the routine of home for a short while is to join an exercise group. There are plenty of different types you can choose to attend, from something more relaxing, like yoga, to a high-intensity workout like power boxing. Exercise is great for both the body and the mind , so you wonā€™t just be taking time away, youā€™ll also be improving your overall health. An added benefit of joining a group is that youā€™re likely to meet like-minded friends there as exercise classes are a great place to socialize. Youā€™ll be keeping fit, meeting new people, and taking the essential time out of your home life.  Take Morning Walks...

Riverside Foursquare Church Merch!!!

 Riverside now has a sweatshirt and tshirt you can purchase on Amazon! and

Butterfly Box Review #butterflybox #faithsubscriptionbox

DESCRIPTION: Life is busy, and it can be hard to find the time each day to connect with Christ. Butterfly Box is here to help! We thoughtfully curate a themed box each month to help reclaim those quiet moments with God, build your intimacy with Christ, and live out your faith in the world around you!  Each month's box is designed to illustrate a biblical theme and encourage spiritual growth. 5 to 6 items such as jewelry, artwork, books, decor, personal pampering items, faith sharing cards and other specialty items All items are carefully chosen and undergo a rigorous selection process Products are faith-based or support small Christian businesses. COUPON CODE:   10% off by using-   WELCOME10 My Review: Let me just say how excited I was to open this box when it arrived.  The element of surprise made me think it was my birthday or Christmas!   I may have to admit that gifts and surprises are definitely one of my love languages.  So what di...