Image by Anastasia Gepp from Pixabay Following the distraught of the coronavirus pandemic , many individuals realized that everything isn’t quite set in stone. Many individuals were caught entirely off guard and realized that after all’s said and done, who else do you have to fall back on except for family. The virus turned our whole world upside down, and most of us still feel the uncertainty it reaped within our society. Schools shut down for record-breaking lengths, and our children didn’t know what to do with themselves. This is, unfortunately, one downside in developing the technology that we have in the modern era. Children know how to play games on phones before they’ve been taught how to read or write. With this massive advance in technology, we’re also given a responsibility to ensure our children use it for nothing more than what it was intended for. We need to find new ways of checking up and securing our loved ones’ safety, and we need new ways to monitor ...
Praises of a Wife and Mommy was created for mom's like me. I like to share secrets, parenting advice, deals, the many arts and crafts that we do at our at home preschool, and most importantly share my faith. My many roles go beyond mom they also include, preschool teacher, Children's church teacher, youth pastor, wife, and one role I love Christ follower. Praises of a Wife and Mommy started small but is cotinuing to grow. I love to review products and hold giveaways. .