If you have a teenager, it just may be time to teach them how to cook. While chips, sandwiches, and microwaveable snacks may be tasty, it’s not actually cooking (plus homemade food is the best). As a parent, you want to set up your teenager for success and one of the very best ways to do that would be through teaching them how to cook. This sets them up for having a very successful adulthood, whether they go to college or straight to work. Cooking, in the long run, is far cheaper then those easy-to-heat-up microwaveable meals too. So, how exactly can you get started on getting your kid to want to cook? Here are some helpful tips! Image credit Why Teaching Your Teenager to Cook is Important and How to Get Them Interested in It Cooking is a skill that everyone should learn. It can be a lot of fun, and it will give you the chance to bonding time whether it be alone, with family members, or even with friends. If you have not taught your teenager how to cook yet, then ju...
Praises of a Wife and Mommy was created for mom's like me. I like to share secrets, parenting advice, deals, the many arts and crafts that we do at our at home preschool, and most importantly share my faith. My many roles go beyond mom they also include, preschool teacher, Children's church teacher, youth pastor, wife, and one role I love Christ follower. Praises of a Wife and Mommy started small but is cotinuing to grow. I love to review products and hold giveaways. .