About this Bible:
The Christian faith is founded upon an unchanging and unceasing confession: that “Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:11). This is the confession upon which all our hope, and all our joy, rests.
The Timeless Truths Bible will encourage you in this truth through the wisdom of those who came before us with:
- Devotional notes and commentary from trusted theologians and pastors from the second century up to the twentieth to stir your affections.
- Ancient creeds and confessions of the faith to grow your understanding of what we believe—and have always believed.
- Artwork made throughout the history of Christianity to deepen your worship of God.
My Review:
I have a full house often being a pastor and now that we have a bonus daughter with us she is the blessed one to receive this Bible. She has been desiring a bible to take notes in so when she saw margins she was pretty excited. Then with the leather she was more excited. What is so important about Bible "shopping" is really about figuring out what you want within it. For instance I like to journal in a separate notebook so margins are not important to me but what I do like is commentary notes to hear from other scholars. I also really do enjoy the color blue (Which they do have a blue leather one so go check it out) so I have a blue bible. I just transitioned from one blue bible to another blue bible. Let me tell you it was actually really hard to transition from one bible to another because I "knew" the ins and outs of the current one I had. I had lots of notes and I could get to scriptures quickly. My Bible was my best friend. Some time has past since I changed and its all good now but it took some time to get used to a new bible.

Here are a few thoughts on this Bible from Abigail as she is now the owner of this wonderful Timeless Truth Bible.
"I love the feel of leather and his thing the pages are. There is a super cool infinity label on the edges of the pages. I like the amount of space given in the Bible so that I can annotate well enough that it is legible. I love that there is two thick dividers to save a spot as I read so that I may go back and forth without needing to use my own. I am not the biggest fan of the ones with only one or none. The paintings the represent the events in the Bible are not my favorite. The specific style is super dark and a painters own interpretation of the scriptural event. Though I like how all the paintings are consistent by being from the same artistic style I like how white the pages are, brighten the book up. I truly enjoy the translation. Really easy to understand and catch the passion that is being spoken. I love how big the font is."
About the Translations: The Timeless Truths Bible features the New English Translation (NET) which is faithful to the original text, clear for everyday reading and presented with unparalleled accountability. Enrich your reading experience of Scripture with the NET: Faithful. Clear. Accountable.